Friday, March 18, 2005

Lau Khor Tiew

I just received a call from a very close cousin (Clement) and he tells me that his grandfather was walking to his room after a session of Gin Rummy and he collapsed from stroke. He’s now in a coma and has not awakened since. What a way to start my Friday - with really sad news :-(

Lau Khor Tiew and my sister (who's turning 21 tomorrow)

Lau Khor Tiew is my Grandfather’s sister’s husband. He’s a nice old man. I remember when I was young, he used to come to Malacca. He and my dad got along so well he would come ever so often. He’d just hop on the super old and rusty Malacca-Singapore Express bus (otherwise known as Sing Lian in Chinese) that I too patronize these days because it’s the cheapest and we’d pick him up from the bus station.

Oh, I remember those days. Good old days. My dad would call him “Datuk”, a Malay word for Grandfather. But in Malaysia it had a different meaning. It was a salutation for a respectable someone in politics. It was just for fun…

It’s so sad to see Old People falling sick especially if they’re nice, warm and very friendly. I just don’t think they deserve it. I mean, they’ve been so nice their entire lives, why do they have to suffer when they’re old? It’s true… sickness comes with age.

That’s why I’m going to go for a full body checkup when I turn 25 this year. I’ve not gone for one so far and don’t know medically where I stand. I hope that I’m free from all darned illnesses. I don’t exercise and I don’t watch what I eat. I just hope I’m fine. Okay, maybe I’ll cheat a little and exercise just before I go see the Doctor. Ha! Ha!

Lau Khor Tiew is someone who would never pick a fight. My dad tells me that many years ago, if someone wanted to pick a fight, Lau Khor Tiew would just walk away to avoid trouble. He would never yell or shout… he’d just be quiet and keep it all inside. He’s a very patient and calm man. Now, where in the world can you find another guy like that?

By the way, for you non-Chinese out there, Lau Khor Tiew is “Old Auntie’s Husband” in Hokkien. In Chinese, if you’re referring to your Mum’s Sister, you say “Ee” but if you’re referring to your Dad’s Sister, you say “Khor”. The whole system is unique and so different from the English language where everything has been simplified to Aunt and Uncle.

I never pray. I’m not religious and I’m a free thinker. But in times like these when nothing else helps… I bloody get down on my knees, clasp my palms together, close my eyes and say a short prayer. I hope it works. I hope God listens because I never listen to him/ her anyway.

Lau Khor Tiew, I wish you all the best and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you get better.

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