Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Symmetrical Me

Almost nothing natural in this world is symmetrical. Our face, eyes, ears are probably not on the exactly same spot. They are probably not the exactly same size either. However, I am a very symmetrical person.

I mean, I like wearing symmetrical clothes for example. I don't like shirts that have one sleeve short and the other long. I don't like shirts or dresses which is one-sided. It makes me feel that my other shoulder is very naked and exposed when the other is warmly covered.

However, I go to the extent of hurting myself sometimes just to be symmetrical. For example, if a mosquito bites me, I'll slap my own left leg to kill the mosquito. Then, I'll proceed to slap my right leg (probably not as hard, just to get a slapping feeling) too. I just feel that it's so imbalanced if I slap one side and not the other.

I get this symmetrical feeling the strongest especially when it comes to things like cutting my finger nails or digging my ear of wax. I'll definitely do it on both sides. Otherwise, I'll get this nagging feeling and it'll gnaw at me until I give up and actually do it to the other side of my body.

What about you? Do you do that too? Are you as weird or symmetrical yourself?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Tiring Sleep

I went back to Malaysia over the weekend. I slept a lot but felt so lethargic. You'd think that one would feel fresh and re-charged after much sleeping but it's not true. I feel absolutely tired, sleepy and so restless! Here's my story:

I went back to KL on Friday night right after work. It is a 5-hour bus (coach) ride from the Singapore to KL bus station. I slept all the way except for the part where the bus stops at Ayer Hitam for a ½ an hour supper/ toilet break. As soon as I reached, my boyfriend Shin and best friend Lyn came to pick me up from the bus station. Immediately after at about 12:30 midnight, we went to have some fun.

We went to this club in town called Passion. It's pretty reasonable. There's no cover charge. One just pays & buys the 1st drink. We clubbed there for awhile... dancing and drinking only our 1st drinks. None of us felt like drinking last night so that was all we had.

At about 2:30+, we sent Lyn home. Then I went back to sleep. Slept all the way to about 10 a.m. the next day. Woke up with a heavy head. I didn't wanna wake up but I had to. I didn't want to sleep the weekend away. Went out for breakfast then my sister Niu cooked lunch.

Had a nice filling lunch. She can cook quite well, that girl. There was a stir-fried fish, fried chicken, vegetables, stir-fried chicken and white rice. My sister then drove us both back to my hometown Malacca (ahh... used to be known as "Sleepy Hollow" but has blossomed into a tourist attraction in recent years - very rich in historical wonders) in her Range Rover. Once again, I slept all the way. It's a 2-hour ride from KL to Malacca.

Once we got to Malacca, we just ate, slept and watched TV. It was raining pretty heavily every day so there's nothing much that we can do outdoors. Our little homemade pool was filled to the brim with rainwater.

On Sunday, I took a bus back from Malacca to Singapore. The journey takes about 3 hours by car but by bus it stretches to about 5 hours. Once again, I slept all the way. When I finally reach home in Serangoon... it was close to 11 p.m. I slept at around that time and woke up at 6:40 a.m. today. That's close to 8 hours' sleep!

Yet, I feel so sleepy/ tired/ lethargic/ restless. I wonder why.

First in the Search!

I just discovered tonight that if one logs onto the Google website, types roundfish into the text bar and clicks the Search button, the first entry from the Search will list my blog! Yipee! This brings me much happiness! Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm gonna announce it to the world. I'm gonna tell everyone. Hey, go try it out! Cool...


Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a vision problem experienced by up to about one-third of the population. Nearsighted people have difficulty reading highway signs and seeing other objects at a distance, but can see for up-close tasks such as reading or sewing.

My eyesight has deteriorated recently. I have problem looking at things from afar. Road signs which I used to have no problem looking at from a mile away, I now squint even when I'm less than 200 metres away. I am deeply saddened by this. It's really hurtful for me because up to about 6 months ago, I used to have perfect eyesight. *sniff*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tits -n- Toast

I visited my sister's blog today and realised that she has been blogging quite frequently. I have missed out on so many of her entries and so I diligently read each one of them from the last post I saw 5 months ago. It's really fun reading other people's blogs. They're not always funny but it still feels good to read it.

Talking of which, I wanna introduce you to a very interesting blog. It's called Tits -n- Toast and I discovered this from one of the comments on my
sister's blog. You will realise that guys and girls alike enjoy reading Karen's blog. I too am a new fan of hers.

It's pretty interesting. It's a very adult site though so readers beware: Read at your Own Risk! I can relate to what she blogs about. I feel the same sometimes. Difference is, I don't have the nerve to do it. Therefore, I respect Karen for saying her mind and putting up nude pictures of herself. It really takes a lot of gut and she has a wonderful husband which approves it.

Go ahead... go read. Surf her blog and have fun! *grin*

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I enjoy reading. I used to read Enid Blyton when I was younger. One of my favourite series was Amelia Jane. I could really relate to the character because I was a very cheeky little girl. I remember when I was little (about 5 or 6) and had to wash my feet... I didn't bother to go all the way to the toilet and so I lifted up my foot and washed them in the basin right in the middle of the living room. My friend who saw this remembers this incident up to this day.

Anyway, I'm reading a book now called The Day My Butt Went PSYCHO! from Andy Griffiths. It's this crazy story about a boy who's butt leaves his body and wants to rule the world! The book is made for young boys. It has stuff about butts flying around... butts which emit gasses and fires shit as firearms. It's damn wild and imaginative. Totally ridiculous and yet funny at the same time. *smile*

I used to read. All types of books. Fantasy, comic, non-fiction and even porn. Reading is fun. It makes your brain work. It makes you think. It makes you wonder. It makes your imagination run wild. I especially love reading horror. My imagination makes the book 10 times scarier than it actually is.

I don't like to read self-help books though. I know they're good. They enhance and help you become a better person but they're so factual. There's nothing interesting or funny reading them. I prefer to read something which either scares or amuses me.

I'm working now so I don't have much time to read. I can only read on my way to and from work when I'm taking public transport. So it takes me about a week or so just to finish one book cause most of the times, I'd be sleeping on the bus/ train. Ha! Ha!

Work has been hectic though. I've decided I wanna pick up reading again. I wanna feel like I have a life outside of the office and I want something to entertain me whenever I'm bored instead of listening to the radio. I wanna work my brain and set my creative juices flowing. I wanna read, by inspired and write the next best seller. Until then... I've only this lousy blog to offer.