Friday, November 04, 2005

Chest Pain

I sometimes suffer from a Heart Attack. Oh no no... it's not the serious kind of Heart Attack which leaves you motionless and half dying. I'm not sure if any of you has ever experienced this but I had a chest pain attack at work today. It hurt like hell.

It's the area just under my left breast. It hurts inside so it doesn't really help if I pinch or hold my skin but it still feels better anyhow. Out of the blue, at anytime or day... I sometimes experience this chest pain.

It feels like an electric shot. Something just suddenly hurts so bad I can't move. I just cringe in pain and wait for the pain to go away. I don't know what aggravates it and I also don't know how to soothe it. It's weird. I did some Internet research and you can read more about Chest Pains here.

According to doctor-to-be friend of mine (Yao), it's not a heart attack. It still scares me sometimes though. I've asked a few friends and some have experienced this pain whilst others know nothing of it. I wonder if this is common.

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