Monday, December 05, 2005

What diet?

I've been complaining that I'm fat and need to go on a diet. I tend to eat less rice during meals. I'd take probably half a bowl of rice. I'd also take less soft or sweet drinks. However, when it comes to watching a movie in the cinema, I cannot stop myself from munching popcorn or snacks. I also like to snack when I'm watching TV at home.

Honestly, I don't think there's a point in me cutting down on my staple diet when I continue eating everything else. Ha! Ha! I'd really like to lose some weight. I'd like to lose a little on the arms, lots on the tummy, backside and thighs. However, I love to eat too much.

Vegetarians and health-conscious people eat to live. For me, I live to eat! Yum... Yum... Food, here I come!


Anonymous said...

And that's how it should to eat....I just ate half of cookies and cream cake today...carpe diem...

Butter Pecan Candie said...

wei. u copy ah cheng and i. pig. that's our phrase