Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I'm basically a pretty optimistic and happy person. I have a nice family. I am happy with my life. I should be satisfied. Sometimes though... things get screwed up and I just feel horrible. I feel down and sad and low. I feel as though the whole world is against me and that I'm better off dead.

I would never kill myself. It's not worth it. I'm too young for death. Plus I have flashbacks of my life as a kid... with my loving parents and I just think... it's a super big waste. I wouldn't do it. Not unless I'm totally left with nothing to hold onto in this world. Then, I might consider but I still probably wouldn't take my own life.

I'm quite sure that I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm sure that at any one point in life, people must feel like committing suicide too. Some do it - which provides us much good reads in Newspapers. Others are just too chicken, like me.

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